Martin Benka Cultural Center
The Cultural Center – which measures 2,800 square meters – is composed of two different architectural typologies, old city plaza and new city site,which work on a symbiotic manner providing traditional and transformable space.
Five stories cultural center designed with the double skinned glass exterior curtain wall in the winter time works as transparent insulation. In the summer time is aimed to supply cooled air with a mechanical ventilation system

In a unique style, Martin Benka has defined the typically Slovak – highlander – life, the Slovak mountainous landscape with round and waved hillsides, valleys, the craggy and steep mountains, with strips of ridges and fogs, populated with the lives of its inhabitants: raftsmen, lumberjacks, peasants and shepherds, diggers and hay-rakers, women and men both at work and resting, often bent under their knapsacks or leaning over a field cradle…