
Martin Benka Cultural Center


Monument Museum of American Indigenous Cultures


7777 Club


Apple Store & Office


ArchView Building, Illinois


Atlas Software Technologies


Chicago Serbian Cultural Center


Damsa’s residence, Illinois


Ethical Humanist Society


First Assembly of God, Illinois


Fonseca Martial Art In Wilmette


Gram’s Residence


Great Lakes Office Building


Green Sail, Chicago, Illinois


Hotel International, Kiev


Iras Residence, Illinois


Jila La Belle Boutique


Jumeirah Resort, Dubai


Olive Hills Residence


Oriental House In Deerfield, Illinois


Private Residence By Forest Preserve


Private Residence In Bay Area, CA


Private Residence In Northfield, IL


Private Villa


Public Library, Chicago, Illinois


Rehab of the 19 street residence


Rehab of the 31 Street Residence


Residence in Morton Grove


Silver Fund Medical Center, S. Chicago


Spa & Massage Therapy


St.Mark Cathedral Church


Telegraph Condominiums


Thomas Residence


Traditional home in Barrington


Ukrainian Evangelical Church


University Alumni Center


Villa in the forest


XYLEM – Offices
